JOC Uncharted is a virtual series created by the JOC team featuring a lineup of industry leaders discussing the current state of play, where things may be headed, and what the post COVID-19 future will look like. Tune in to as we present new episodes featuring one-on-one discussions, JOC news updates, and commentaries in a virtual video environment.
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One-on-One With Blue Yonder's Fab Brasca
Group Vice President, Global Solutions and Presales
Blue Yonder
Fab Brasca
Sustainability has long been a rather superficial element of supply chain decision-making, largely because the social onus on shippers wasn't strong enough, and the tools to truly measure carbon impact on a granular level didn't exist. But shippers are acutely aware of how important this issue is, and will be, and so are re-examining how to use their software and 3PL partners to make decarbonization decisions that aren't at cross-purposes with cost and service considerations. Fab Brasca, group vice president for global solutions at logistics software provider Blue Yonder, joins JOC Uncharted to discuss this pertinent issue.